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Accommodation Options for Mature Students

Mature students indicatively embark on their academic journey with a lot more experience than the high school-fresh, wide-eyed first-year student. While you know that the academic journey ahead is indeed going to be a truly testing one, you go into it well-prepared.

One of the aspects of this impending academic journey which you’ll likely understand the full significance of is that of your student accommodation. The place you’ll rest your head in, spend a huge chunk of your time studying in, and perhaps even relax and unwind in has to be conducive to your cause.

Accommodation needs for mature students

It’s definitely a little bit more of a mental challenge academically, for a mature student, because you’re likely returning to the demanding environment of pursuing academic studies. This is often why if you’re starting an undergrad degree in the field of something like Engineering, for instance, what is typically meant to be a four-year degree course is extended to its five-year variation. That’s a sign to draw on when looking at student accommodation.

For a “regular” student who is fresh out of high-school, University life played out in a dorm room is perfectly fine. Their bodies recover much quicker from all which indicatively comes with that type of environment, like noisy, sleepless nights and having to find some workable comfort in what are otherwise awkward studying positions.

Mature students perhaps seek to avoid such annoyances which become more than just minor irritations when the reality of their daily lives sets it.

A single bed in a shared dorm from which you’d have to walk a bit to use the shared bathroom facility is likely not ideal for someone who is at a point in their lives where they might perhaps have a steady life partner. So you’ll need more space, definitely – more private space.

You can, however, prefer private rooms with an attached washroom. There are some companies like Quad (visit the website to know more) that offer rooms with single occupancy with separate bathrooms. You might need to find similar ones close to your college or university and enjoy your private space.

Recreating your existing home space?

Look, it’s not quite about recreating your regular domestic living space. You don’t want your mature student accommodation to be too comfortable and feel too much like home, yet at the same time, it shouldn’t be a space you dread retreating to, whether to get in some study time, relax a bit, or enjoy yourself a little. You also don’t want it to be a living space to which you have too much responsibility for.

It’s more than just a matter of convenience to be able to just report a fault, breakage, etc, to a landlord, as opposed to having to be the one to organise for its fixing.

Even from a landlord’s point of view, there are several benefits of renting to students. While they do have to keep in mind certain requirements to be a student landlord, the fact is that renting to students ensures consistent demand, increased income on a single property, short-term contracts, and rent upfront. If you’re able to find a landlord who specifically rents their place out to students, that could be a good option for you.

The best options

If you need to consider public transport to get to campus, perhaps on account of something like having sold your car to fund your studies, if a good public transport system is available, you can look towards serviced apartments as an alternative to regular student accommodation. This means you can perhaps look a fair distance away, especially if you likely won’t be honouring too hectic a class-schedule.

Take your time to physically view the options so that you can get a feel for amenities such as studying facilities, environment, etc. Of course, the most important factor is invariably the cost.