Finding the right alternative to excessive plastic bags for your business is essential in doing your corporate duty for the environment and saving your business waste expenses. For retailers, the bags they use in their stores are often the main source of landfill waste. If your company is still using plastic bags, this could have a negative effect on sales in the long run. Here are some of the reasons why twist-handled paper bags could make the perfect alternative to standard plastic bags.
- They are 100% easily recyclable
Most modern research suggests that consumers look to buy products that are easily recyclable in 2020. This is one of the reasons why you should look to scrap your plastic bags for paper alternatives. Whilst some schemes exist that process plastic bags, twist handled paper bags are easily recyclable through normal channels.
- They offer a higher quality finish than normal plastic bags
Twist-handled paper bags also offer a higher quality finish than standard plastic bags. This can benefit your business in a number of ways. Firstly, your company will be viewed as having higher quality products. This can help with sales. Secondly, customers will reuse your bags, which has been shown to help with customer retention.
- Good quality twist-handled paper bags are reusable
As stated, twist handled paper bags are highly reusable. This means when purchasing from your company your customers will not only will be getting a great product, they will also be getting a bag that they can use again and again in the future. This is why we recommend putting a good design on your bag.
This will help encourage your customers to use the product more and this can increase brand awareness as your design gets in front of more people.
- Paper bags cost less energy to produce than plastic ones
When discussions arise about environmentally friendly products, many neglect to think about the environmental costs of producing something like an electric car, or a plastic bag. The costs of producing a paper bag in terms of energy and monetary costs are far lower than modern robust plastic bags. This is one of the reasons why many businesses have started to adobe the paper product.
Order the best quality paper bags you can to maximise the benefit for your business
Not all paper bags are created equal, and if you do not buy a quality one then it will last no longer than a flimsy plastic bag. Make sure you go with your best local paper bag supplier to save money and increase the likelihood of getting the best product for your business.